Product Trial Review Report | Project B V-Flora

Product Studied: Project B V-Flora

We at Project B emphasize on being bare and transparent of our product ingredient and formulation. We have an extensive product development stage, carefully engineer every product to ensure they work. As a part of formulation processing, upon formulation confirmation, we reach out to a number of volunteers to gather their feedback and reviews on the product.

Under this review, we gathered and tabulated the feedback from 36 users, primarily looking at how our product work for them and its usability.

This product has been studied and fine-tuned for over 28 months before the formulation is confirmed. We took another 6 months to test its efficacy profile on over 36 individuals before it is being delivered to you. This part of the report displays the results of the efficacy profile, where we have another part of the report reviews the product formulation.


Results In Brief
Following consistent use of Project B V-Flora over the course of 3 months, the use of Project B V-Flora has successfully lowered the risk of vaginal/uriniary tract infection at as high as 92% reduction rate, with over 58% participants reported to be free from any sort of discomfort or infection episode, and improve quality of life


To study if Project B V-Flora can contribute to overall vaginal balance and wellness, as part of care for women health.


Methods & Assessments
The volunteers are gathered over the period of 6 months post-formulation study, and every volunteers' progress are monitored over the period of 3 months.

Subject information:
Of all the 36 volunteers, they are amongst female with current/recurrent vaginal complaints, generally healthy individuals with no past medical history, living a relatively sedentary lifestyle.
Young Adult: 21-35 (n = 23)
Adult: 36 - 49 (n = 13)

Female (n =36)

Material supply: 3 months supply of Project B V-Flora

Qualify vaginal discharge color, amount and odour; and overall vaginal wellbeing and health state
Quatify episode of vaginal / urinary tract infection

Volunteers are gathered, inclusion criteria includes age ranges from 21 to 49, female with current/recurrent vaginal complaints, healthy individuals with no past medical history. Volunteers are being advised to comply to the recommended regime:
"Take one teaspoon once daily."

Volunteers are advised to visit our studies centre to measure the results on specified intervals and the outcomes are recorded.




Body generally changes as we age, the same applies to women vagina. Throughout the women life, the vagina may appear and feel different. Our objective is to correct the vaginal flora balance by monitor appearance of vaginal discharge & overall vaginal comfort, and to lower the episode of vaginal / urinary tract infections. The observation recorded after the 3 months consumption of Project B V-Flora is as below,

1. Vaginal Wellbeing & Vaginal Health State
Most of time, vaginal discharge is perfectly normal — it serves as an important function of the reproductive system and helps to keep the vagina clean. Vaginal discharge can be very different depending on each woman, and there is a range of normal. Discharge can range in colour, from clear to milky white. Similar to the gut, the vagina has its own microbiome — an ecosystem of important bacterial communities, that helps to keep us healthy and protect us from infection. A healthy vagina is rich in 'good' bacteria (mainly Lactobacilli) that help to keep the populations of the 'bad' microorganisms in check. Vaginal odour is a reflection of whatever bacteria are living inside the vagina, and it varies according to our age. The vagina smells differently at different times of a woman's life — at pre-pubertal, vaginal will smell different and once hormones kick in, it will have a particular smell, which is usually relatively pleasant.

In this study, we respect that every individual has their own unique set up, this part of the data collection relies on participant's understanding and comparing against their original vaginal composition and may be subjective to personal expereince. To further standardize, we have affixed that the healthy discharge color generally to be in the range of clear - milk; odour to be fleshy pleasant. The results compiled are of satisfactory at the range between 83% to 92% participants reported to have discharge color, amount and odour return back at the healthy scale.

2. Episode of Urinary Tract / Vaginal Infection
Based on the data collected over the 3 months of study, there is a high percentage of 58% participants reported to be free from any sort of discomfort or infection episode, while a segment 23% participants to have reported an undiagnosed discomfort episodes, amongst these, mild itch with no other symptoms are reported most. 14% participants reported to have only 1 episode of vaginal infection with no recurrence (more than 1 episode) reported; 8% participants reported to have only 1 episode of urinary tract infection with no recurrence (more than 1 episode) reported. Keeping in mind that the selection criteria of participants are typically the vulnerable group with current/recurrent infection history, the numbers reported are highly satisfactory and have displayed positive impact in the reduction of discomfort and infection episode.

In conclusion, Project B V-Flora can positively impact women vaginal health, lower the risk of vaginal/uriniary tract infection and improve quality of life following at least 2 to 3 months of consistent use.